What to eat ? What to buy ?
75% of stuff in grocery stores is it’s now labeled ‘BioEngineered Ingredients”
Yogurt, Bakery Bread, Deli Salads
Eggs, flour, good tomatoes, the best beef and ground italian sausages, the best cheeses
You can make fresh pasta and sauces, no preservatives, and get your veggies and protein
“75% of stuff in grocery stores is it’s now labeled ‘BioEngineered Ingredients”
Yogurt, Bakery Bread, Deli Salads”
In cleaning out the pantry of old expired food, I dumped some into the edge of the woods. No animals would eat it, not even the bugs, and it just stayed there in a pile until repeated rains just caused it to wash away. It took a while though. The animals even knew it had no nutritional value.