There was one trip on the thruway in NY where I saw people in two separate driving down the thruway with open books propped up on the steering wheel. I was shocked because I remember wondering that if I saw those two in our usual 3 hour trip, just how common was this?
Did I ever wish for an air horn on our minivan!
I would have blasted it when I was right next to them, just at the point where they could have caught me out of the corner of the eye while I was passing them.
I would love to have scared the crap out of them in the (probably vain) hopes of teaching them a lesson.
Oh yeah, I’ve seen the open books distraction plenty. Once a young woman had her feet against the dash, with a book laying against the steering wheel.
I always glance at what is next to me. Situational awareness. Nuts behind the wheel are everywhere.