Is it really a newer, more virulent strain, or does it just appear that way because people’s immune systems have been so compromised by the vaxes, that they are incapable of dealing with it, so the disease is now manifesting as it did when it was first new in the population, until natural, herd immunity helped decrease it’s virulence in people?
I have wondered that.. I have seen two people in the past month (my hairdresser and the billing person at my PT) who have the worst “cold sore” outbreak I have ever seen. They are both vaxxed for sure. The billing lady, it has spread from her lip halfway down her jaw, and the hairdresser, her entire upper lip was one big sore. 😬. She said it was the worst she’d ever had and doesn’t want to go away. Both are for sure vaxxed.
The hairdresser says she won’t get another shot. She said that she has one health issue after another, it is non stop.
That’s what I was wondering. Is the vax making us more susceptible to other things.
—”Is it really a newer, more virulent strain, or “
Back in RVN, everyone was aware of the BLACK SYPHILIS !!!
No known cure and they sent you to a very special island...
This is exactly the same, only different.
And they are going to need a much bigger island.