What percentage of people with alleged Long COVID are vaxxed...?
I haven’t run across a fixed number but the short answer seems to be that the unvaccinated get it more often and hit harder than the vaccinated. Here’s some info to guess at:
An Italian study estimated 15% of youth 6-15 had long covid and the same was true for the UK
From Penn State:
More than half of the 236 million people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 worldwide since December 2019 will experience post-COVID symptoms — more commonly known as ‘long COVID’
here’s a summary out of the UK of multiple studies. Most say that vaccinated have less of a chance (up to 50%) for long covid and if they do get breakthrough infections they have a lower rate of long covid and a shorter duration:
There is evidence that vaccinated people who are subsequently infected with COVID-19 are less likely to report symptoms of long COVID than unvaccinated people, in the short term (4 weeks after infection), medium term (12 to 20 weeks after infection) and long term (6 months after infection). This is in addition to any benefit of vaccination in preventing COVID-19 infection (5).... Additionally, there was evidence that unvaccinated people with long COVID who were subsequently vaccinated reported fewer long COVID symptoms than those who remained unvaccinated.
What percentage of people with alleged Long COVID are vaxxed...?
The two, we know were fully vaccinated including any variant vaccines.