I knew a guy that said the same thing to me. “I only need one more gun.”
“Oh - what kind of gun is that?”
“Oh, I’ll know it when I see it. Of course there will also be another gun after that...”
I asked him how many guns he owed. It was in the 300’s iirc! For whatever reason I believed him.
I need to start labeling my magazines so I can keep them straight.
I had to sell a couple of weapons that weren’t great but they were at least new. Now with the inflated prices I don’t want to re-buy them.
Might go for another Springfield XDS in .45
I wanted to get another AK-47 but frankly there’s no room.
I need to pop over to Harbor Freight and see what an additional safe costs these days.
But first.......car problems. Sigh
300 is a good start.