“Do you know anything about Messi? He’s a good man, and has not been outwardly political.”
Yes, I know about Messi and the things he says in his native language. He wears the infamous Che Guevara shirt AND professes his love of Che’s philosophy. On the world stage he keeps his mouth shut about politics so that his ‘fans’ do not desert him. He is communist through-and-through, period. With ‘good men’ like him in the world then was are in a world of trouble.
My wife left Cuba in 1959 because Che and his henchmen were turning on the heat because my wife’s mother had been in the Batista government.
That said, Messi is one of the ultimate symbols of capitalism in the market place, even if he wears a Che shirt (which I've never seen him in, but I'll take your word for it). I admire his talent, and that he seems to be a very good dad. If he believes in Marxism I will be disappointed, but I will still be able to enjoy his talent (though it is late in his career) and separate that from his beliefs.
I am sorry for what your wife and her family went through.
Yes unfortunately, socialism and communism have been pretty popular in Argentina for quite some time. A couple of my colleagues and I went there a few times in the late 90s and early 00s since the company I worked for was building a large plant in Bahia Blanca.
The Argentines tended to be warm, friendly people, but we learned right away to keep politics off the table. They did seem to admire Clinton, which told us all we needed to know. I even spotted an autographed picture of Bubba at a tango club we were taken to in Buenos Aires.
Great wine and exceptional beef, though.