One time the hose connection came loose and I was drenched head to foot in pretty much raw sewage. Fortunately, Hudson General, the company I worked for, had a chemical shower nearby.
I stripped my clothes off and took the shower. Meanwhile, my clothes were gathered up to be disposed of. I believe they had to burn clothing that was exposed to raw sewage like that. I had to wear some kind of nightgown until a new uniform could be brought to me. My supervisor was not angry. He was laughing. And so was everybody else. The nightgown drew a lot of whistles so I learned how the pretty women must feel when they get whistled at by low IQ men.
No offense but the people from Portugal tend to smell pretty badly. I also did not last in that job very long.
During one delivery/unloading, I was told I had a phone call.
It was airport security or operations. Person wanted to know why I left my escort and went on my own way.
Me: *”Well, my escort drove under the wing and fuselage of a jet and went across the tarmac. Guess you could check the cameras.”
Heard nothing else about the incident.
Great story!