“Freerepublic has fallen from the place that discovered the Font difference on the CBS hit piece on George Bush to a bunch of smartassed Keyboard warriors.”
No, Sunshine, the dumbing down of America is what has been killing this country, people like you that think an education is something to mock and avoid. You’re the reason the dumbing down and fall of this great nation is happening. You’re easily manipulated by the left due to your belligerence driven by ignorance.
FR is a place to learn, something you think is for “sissies”. The only sissy is you that is afraid to learn. Scared of knowledge. Congratulations, you are the personification of the Dumbing Down of America.
I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.
Keyboard Warrior. Got his milk money stolen every day!! FYI. I retire last day of March!! Keep paying your SS Buttercup because I might need it!! “He’s Retarded Jim!”
Thats Unrestricted Master Plumber to you Piss Ant!!