I suspected I had AFIB, but when doctors examined me they all said I was fine.
I had to get a new cardiologist, because mine retired. The new guy is from India. When I talked to him about AFIB, he said it doesn’t look likely, but he put me on a mobile monitor to track me.
The next day I had the symptoms and the cardiologist immediately called me. He asked how far I was from my pharmacy. I told him I was in my car maybe 1,000 feet from the pharmacy. He told me to go to the drive through and they would have a prescription ready for me. I was to take the prescription and wait at the pharmacy until he told me I was OK to leave.
I’ve been on the medication ever since and I bought a watch that can detect AFIB. I’ve not had any serious issues since starting the medication. But he said it was severe AFIB.
I have had AFIB since 1998.It came and went for a few years, so in 2007 I had a catheter ablation....piece of cake.. It seemed to stop the AFIB for a few years, but now it is back and it is serious. Because with low blood pressure (sometimes as low as 61/42) walking 25 feet requires sitting down immediatelyto keep from passing out. I have a pacemaker and am on blood thinner plus Amiodorone. They are recommending another Ablation and that sounds ok with me. I am 87. If I don’t make it that is ok as long as THE BIG RED WAVE TSUNAMI comes through on Nov. 8th.