“half the cars “escaping” are going the wrong direction or there are as many fleeing to Russia as there are leaving
Quote from article:
“A satellite image of the Russia-Georgia border taken on Tuesday shows a multitude of cars and people waiting at the crossing. According to Russian state news outlet Tass, more than 5,000 cars had created the traffic jam, which was up to 10 miles long.”
I was wondering how the Great Migration was doing this week, and found this escape story by some ethnic Russians who have successfully arrived in Antalya, a small city in Turkey. They reported when at the airport, some travelers were being pulled out of lines and taken off for questioning. One young pan signed up with a tourist package to get a longer visitors permit and also to defend himself against charges of draft evasion. He had not yet been given his call-up notice. A city official said they are getting as many as 19,000 Russians a day, apparently just for his city. Wonder what the figure is for all Turkey.