I hope their podcast and writing makes them gobs more than their Professorships.
After leaving their professor jobs, they found alternative sources of income ... then, they lost half their income when YouTube demonetized them when they started expressing scientific opinions against the Official C-19 Narrative. They still put their podcasts on YouTube aka Screwtube, but they are also on Odyssee. People are reporting to them recently that although they get NO money from Screwtube, their podcasts now include ads ... Screwtube keeping any advertising revenues for themselves, it seems. If I were them, I’d ditch ScrewYou Tube entirely.
They have “patreon” subscriptions (both Heather & Brett), Heather is on Substack where you can subscribe (or do the free version), their book is out as of last year [A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life], and they have a Dark Horse store (there’s a T-shirt or two I’d like to get). I think they’re doing ‘Ok’ now, but losing half your income because you’re censored/de-platformed is not an easy thing to deal with. Brett, somehow, is still up on Twitter last I heard.