My dad’s been drinking 8 cups of coffee per day and he’s in his 70’s. I’ve been drinking coffee since I was 11.
BLACK. Not this fag homo weak-ass mammpy pamby, sugar and milk nonsense.
I've been walking this same trail every day for the last 17 years.
Good coffee shouldn’t have adulterants. If it tastes so bad you have to add something, you are drinking bad coffee.
I grew up on strong tea, and since being married, strong coffee. My wife has been drinking it since being a small child. We go through bags of coffee faster than most, despite only using Aeropresses.
May you and your family live long lives and enjoy your coffee!
“BLACK. Not this fag homo weak-ass mammpy pamby, sugar and milk nonsense.”
When someone nearby is drinking the flavored coffee sometimes I have to leave the room because the smell gags me. Hazelnut. Vanilla. Pffft!
Are you a fan of Nonna Clara? Love her grandson's videos of her cooking tips. She takes cream in hers but here's her Italian coffee episode anyway:
Great Depression Cooking - Making Espresso with Sweet Crema
(She must be a relative of John Turturro--her young photos resemble him.)