It’s a hangover from the good old days of Roe.
Remember every one foaming at the mouth about the civil rights of abortionists?
It became the single focus of the FIB.
They were defending a Right, just like going after the Klan.
They consider anti-abortion people to be on par with the KKK.
But apparently they havent heard that the Court took it back.
Ain’t no such thing as a Right to commit an abortion.
But like the deranged judges who keep issuing restraining orders against States imposing their laws against abortion - based on a non existent right - they keep foaming at the mouth and arresting people for...a crime that no longer exists.
I always knew things like what we are seeing could happen. I just didn’t have a vivid enough imagination to dream up the manifestations.
Let’s start calling what it is. The taking of an innocent life is murder. We should have never allowed the left to use words like abortion and pro-choice. There is time to take back the American language. We will vanquish these evil bastards when words have meaning again.