Call ahead of time and ask what their visitor policy is regarding vaccination/tests.
We were admitted through the ER, so that’s how I slipped in. The nurse talked about it and I assured him hubby was fully vaxxed and boosted. Which was true. I just glossed over myself.
Think about asking for a cot to sleep there and bring a bag of necessities with you. Everyones’ advice about designating you the caregiver and appropriate paperwork stating you must approve any treatment is excellent... and if you get in, don’t leave the building till you get your mom out.
Some hospitals just require a recent test. What got my dander up was seeing people who had proof of vaccination breeze past security... as though they aren’t equally likely to have/transmit Covid! What hypocrisy!
I thank all those who expressed concern and sent prayers for my husband. It is deeply appreciated.
Now we have to get Bags out of there!