I asked aMorePerfectUnion what was a ZEEPER since it was posted...I was told:
A FReeper who Supports [Z]elensky and believes the propaganda put out by Ukraine and the Homoglobalists.
Therefor, I made a joke out of Putin with PEEPER...A joke out of Biden with BEEPER. A joke out of Soros with SEEPER...
It was all in fun (to me)...
Now, you can take it as you wish...I really don’t care...I was just trying to have a laugh...
Uh oh...you have offended the cult of Putin....lol
You comments were funny.
I was just pointing out how ‘Zeeper” started out mocking the “Putin is our old friend fighting Soros for us” Freepers and many of them mistook it as a slam on people supporting Ukraine against Russian Aggresion.
Red is now Blue, Blue is now Red