Makes sense for someone who plans to extract as much money from producers as possible. He needs the money to pay the billions he’s planning to give to Ukraine, and for the massive transfer of money from those who work to those who vote democrat for a living.
The marx and engles version of socialism is “from each according to his ability to each according to his need” while the progressive democrats version is “from those who can and do, to those who could but won’t”. Why should they when they can employ the police power of government to TAKE IT from those who can and do and GIVE IT to those who could....but won’t. This is the way progessive democrats and their complicit rino accomplices do congressional business. Such a shame that after generations of examples of where this mindset leads, those who claim to be “enlightened” and “educated” STILL vote for dictatorial governments instead of freedom to
Decide your own fate governments. We were a Republic at one time....until the progressive radicalists convinced the People that this country is a “democracy and not a Republic” without warning the People that a strict democracy means that 51% of the people can vote to annihilate 49% of the people who disagree with them. “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it” applies here.. This country will stand or fall on our corporate ability to see history repeating and either stop it or ignore the obvious. Make a decision and DO something about it or suffer the consequences of doing nothing. It is, after all, your choice.