And what if I did, which I didn’t, but whites get called worse names every day by rappers and the MSM, and white kids have to hear how bad they are with CRT in schools which are supposed to be “safe places”. I bet you’re not blowing smoke up any of those agitators’ behinds.
Just letting you know, hispanics aren’t docile or guilted. You have no idea what crap I’ve had to put up with, including members of my family.
Okay, so those are your reasons for believing as you do, but you’re still wrong. Yes, there is racism in all cultures, but that doesn’t make it right.
Racism is for stupid and/or lazy people who cannot/will not evaluate a wide array of complex facts. It’s easier to say that all whites are devils, or blacks are not human beings. Then you don’t have to think about whether a lynching or a genocide is right or wrong. Just check the colors, and get back to your video games and junk food. Don’t clutter your brain up with the fact that three black men lynched a white man because they share your views with the colors reversed, and they had the opportunity to do what you are merely defending and making excuses for.