It puzzles me how people think that the boomers were the 60s leaders and creators of the counter culture and largely running America.
The boomers were little kids, some weren’t even born yet in 1963. The oldest boomer turned 14 in 1960, the boomers didn’t run anything, or even make up the music of the 60s, much less government and wars, politics, business, court decisions, the American culture, Hollywood, run universities, teaching, TV, print media, or much of anything.
What teens and 5 year olds are running the world today?
‘They’ are chronologically older but ‘they;’ who are running the country are five year olds and empty teens.
Leaders don’t matter nearly as much as the SHEEP who fall for it.
My parents’ Gen was NOT part of the counterculture commie crap. Of course some older people instigated it. By that measure you can blame the gens before them that included “progressives” who tried to change society.