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To: Libloather

I was just reading the same story from another source.

Sussmann billed the purchase of flash drives to Clinton campaign days before giving them to FBI

2 posted on 05/26/2022 2:30:24 AM PDT by gattaca
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To: gattaca

Does anyone know what the amount billed was?

How can the defense he billed his law firm for just taxis when it’s clear it was for more time than that?

This should be the nail to convict this guy.

Durham went in with just one count. One count.

I’m holding my breath, because it’s a DC jury, but I have to believe even they will be fair and honest.

If Sussman is convicted where does this go from here? Is this a felony? What is the likely sentence. Compared to Flynn? I would think he should lose his license, be fined and maybe some jail time?

In short, they made am example with General Flynn. Throwing the book at him.

Shouldn’t they do more with this guy so this is never done again?

Trump is the only man who could have withstood the barrage he got during the early months of his presidency.

Lastly, again we should ask, how did Mueller miss this? Why didn’t he dismiss his investigation right from the beginning?

For one thing, I think it really builds on Trump’s case.

3 posted on 05/26/2022 2:39:39 AM PDT by nikos1121
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To: gattaca

What is a “single-use flash drive”? Did a search on it and came up with nothing. Anyone?

12 posted on 05/26/2022 5:33:09 AM PDT by School of Rational Thought
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