Don’t worry about it. Those T-Cells that send the antibodies into the fight have a long memory. Just remember....anything the CDC or NIH tells you is a lie. Also a good rule of thumb. What you fear you will experience.
Yeah I’m not too worried it’s just annoying. When I had it it was a mild case so it’d probably be the same again.
Immunity of all kinds fades somewhat rapidly. Vax is worthless for death after about 9 months, and worthless for infection after 6. If you get infected and recover, that immunity starts to fade as rapidly or more rapidly.
You can never know what your infection dosage was. So you can’t know how long your immunity will last after recovery. Per the poster above, not very long. You DO know your vax dose, but we are seeing now that standardized dose loses its immunity in a largely predictable timeframe.
And stop with the fear stuff. The virus doesn’t care if you’re afraid or not. If you’re over 65 it kills the brave or the fearful without regard to which.
Deaths have flattened a bit, as they did last summer. The next surge will arrive against a population with very old vax, very old recovered immunity. No point in being afraid of it. The virus won’t care.