Ethereal Road, which means Heavenly Road scratched Friday. So the Heavenly Road opened the door for Rich Strike. Also, 80-1 odds. Moses was 80 when he said to let his people go. 80 also means in bible numbers the starting of freedom of the oppressors.
Horse was #21-Obidiah the prophet has 21 verses. Main theme-Obadiah’s prophecies focus on God’s judgment against the Edomites (a hostile neighbor of Israel) for their part in destroying Jerusalem. Obadiah’s message is that God will not forget His people even in their captivity but will accomplish His purpose through and beyond the appalling conditions they endure.
Remember last year, Medina Spirit cheated and won, later the horse had a heart attack and his victory was nullified. God loves speaking through horse races.
Rich Strike also was sired by Keen Ice, who beat American Pharoah(Obama) in 2012 to end his winning streak.
Rich strike had only raced 7 times before(7 God’s word). Sure there is more but this is what I found. God is great!
The Lord works in mysterious ways
You have a typo -- it was 2015. Pharoah foaled in 2012.