I regularly use a much safer and highly effective prophylactic against all sorts of flu. That is Vitamin D3. I have been taking 125 mcg(5000 iu) since 2006 and have not been troubled by any respiratory virus since. Wife was a school teacher who took the school board required flu shots every year and brought home flu from her primary students one to three times every year. M-I-L gave me a bottle of D3 (megadose to cure extant flu) when I was in the throes of a very bad flu and cleared it up in the course of a day. Wife and daughter then did same with same results. We have all been taking the daily since and have been unbothered by virii including the Dread CCP variety. It also ended daughter’s manic depression.
It also ended daughter’s manic depression.
D3 really helps your mood and outlook, no doubt.