Not so bright of Trump to endorse Dr. Gender Confused.
“Not so bright of Trump to endorse Dr. Gender Confused.”
McCormick trolls strike again!
McCormick not only endorses transgender he paid for their operations!
Think about it. We are what we do, not what we say.
“Not so bright of Trump to endorse Dr. Gender Confused.”
Kellyanne Conway was on the Laura Ingraham show a couple of nights ago and she explained President Trump’s endorsement of Oz. She explained that it is due to Sean Hannity. Hannity has been friends with President Trump for 30 years. He’s been a loyal supporter of Donald Trump for all those years.
President Trump is loyal to those who have been trustworthy friends for quite some time. President Trump’s endorsement is entirely based upon Hannity’s endorsement and encouragement to President Trump.
Kellyanne said she disagrees with that endorsement and is endorsing another candidate but, she said President Trump’s endorsement is wholly repayment to Hannity’s endorsement of Oz due entirely on that 30-year friendship.