The primary purpose of licensing is protecting the income of those engaged in a trade.
Not really different in effect than the Guilds of years past.
Licensing protects big corporations like Mickey D’s, and the same guys who could stay open during the planned demic.
The AMA - an NGO that wields government-like power - is just an updated version of a Medieval Guild: protect territory, punish dissension, destroy competition.
The actual government ones are worse.
The USDA instituted Pasteurization long ago: to reap funds via fees and fines - not to keep us safe. (Ask the health-conscious Amish how dangerous fresh, raw milk really is.)
Scientists discovered that high heat made many nutrients less bio-available, or destroyed nutrients outright, especially what had become known as the Wulzen Anti-Stiffness (Anti-Arthritis) Factor, a cortico-steroidal hormone made only in plants, but found in raw dairy from pasture-fed (grass-fed, not grain-fed) livestock.
Scientists in the late 1940s banded together to try to have that substance proclaimed a Vitamin (an organic substance that cannot be manufactured in the body, and without which a deficiency state develops). Their action group was infiltrated by USDA undercover agents, and sabotaged from within.
Rosalind Wulzen developed a revolutionary experimental protocol over much of her career that proved that Pasteurized Milk promotes Arthritis, while Raw Milk mitigates (not only prevents, but actually reverses) Arthritis.
She has been relegated to literature limbo by the corporatists and apparatchiks: Raw Milk cuts into Big Gov and Big Farm control of money and power.