I learned after we got our Doberman, that Greyhounds were used as part of the mix of dogs used to develop the Doberman breed. Our dog has a similar physique as a Greyhound and also loves to run.
It’s actually more complicated than that.
Northern/Southern Dobe breeders, at the beginning, used different breeds to create their lines.
One part used Greys and the other didn’t.
The biggest influence on the breed was the Beauceron and a now extinct variety of German Pinscher.
I have ancient books written by the people who homogenized the breed types and it’s really obvious which lines used Greys and which didn’t.
FWIW, my favorite Dobes from ‘days of yore” are the ones with obviously Greyhound type heads.
I read and study pedigrees and Dobe history like some women read romance novels.
versus the later Greyhound infused lines from the 30s