“ I had to stop reading at this point. Are you with a group or organization making lists of what Trudeau would call “unacceptable views”? Be honest. ”
Ahhhh yes, the old “paid troll” comment arrives.
Of course. I must be a paid troll because who else could possible reject your opinions?
I dunno………..250 Million plus vaccinated Americans?
“ For the rest of your post.. I have to spill emotional heart and gut feelings in order to pass your tests rather the logic and science.
Yeah. you’re right I would fail your tests every time. Logic should always come first before emotions. When emotions gets the best of me i back off and walk away it’s the only logical thing to do.”
Well it’s not really a test.
I simple asked the question:
“Why are you so concerned, you’re not vaccinated, Covid is over, you made it without being vaccinated?”
Or I’d throw in:
“Why can you just move on and let Covid die? It’s over. If you’re not planning on getting vaccinated at this point, why continue with being vaccine obsessed?”
Or something to that effect.
When I noticed no one would answer the question, or divert from it, I began asking it more often.
So it’s not a test but an observation.
No, not looking for people to poor their hearts out or express emotion.
But not one concern or mention of family and friends that are vaccinated
Which would actually completely explain why someone would be STILL obsessed with the hysteria from dramatic Blogs of vaccine Doom.
I didn’t trick anyone.
I didn’t set out to insert a sneaky survey, it just happened over time.
I simple asked an honest question. Because I was actually curious.
I thank you for your honest answer.
I do think the losses suffered by many people from the last 2 years are huge.
Some lost loved ones in death but weren’t allowed to attend funerals.
Some lost loved ones through politics.
Some lost loved ones because of the vaccines by way of exclusion, estrangement, rejection, etc.
Some lost their minds.
It’s quite sad really.
So I’m going to guess that one huge reason why the anti-vaccine hysteria continues is because those people have paid a heavy price already and need to Justify what they lost.
Time can’t begin to heal the wounds if you keep pulling and tearing the affliction open.
Begin to heal. Go live your life and reconnect with your loved ones.
Don’t treat them the way you treat me here. Just let Covid die.