Thank you for a kook immoral view of the rape and destruction of an innocent people. It’s cuckoo birds like you who don’t know a damn thing about the world and what’s in the interests of this great nation, who sit in your rooms and develop fantasies tying Trump to Putin, and the secret cabal that really runs the world.
The people being murdered tonight would look upon you as an out of touch lunatic. Which you are.
IF we are ever led by this insanity, America will be destroyed.
And watching people line up to say you’re “right” is scary.
IF we are ever led by this insanity, America will be destroyed.
Sooo, let me understand then, you think Biden is sane? Or we ARE being destroyed? Just askin’.
Don’t misunderstand, please, I don’t think that there’s any Good Guys in this fight, only a lot of civilians stuck in the middle.