To: Jim W N
Certain exceptions, of course (Candace Owens, for one).
Frankly, sometimes I really wish my wife would realize the value of the mic drop: It would radically minimize my suffering.
48 posted on
02/19/2022 9:56:01 AM PST by
(-cynicus the "concern troll" a/o 10/03/2018 /!i!! &@$%&*(@ -)
To: logi_cal869; nesnah
[W]ives' chaste behavior coupled with respect. Whose adorning...let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. 1 Peter 3:2-4. This is the road less travelled by especially by today's women, especially in America. It is the road to a woman's true happiness - expensive ("great price") in terms of renouncing her fleshly desire to talk and dominate, but well worth it.
The Women's Movement is the road to ruin and sadly many women are on that road
51 posted on
02/19/2022 11:10:38 AM PST by
Jim W N
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