Everyone is dealing with this insanity and overreach the best they can. Many are being mentally abused over all of this. Have an understanding of that part of the equation. The power and edicts behind the vax makes people want to find faults with them to justify their natural rights to say hell no. Unfortunately they are being boxed in, forced, coerced…. Instead of ridicule, maybe a sympathetic understanding that it’s not right. That they have a choice. For some the answer is to take the vax risk (my mom and dad for example). My 25 yo son should never have been given the choice of fired or the shot.
I plead with you and DD to change your mocking into understanding and love. I plead with others to understand that others vax decisions were theirs. Unfortunately 100% mandates make people desperate to justify going all in. If that’s what they need so be it. Not everything with these vax are on the up and up. Too many sudden deaths near term to them. I have seen one vid death and 2 vax deaths and one that could go either way.
Love your brothers. Turn the cheek, understand their pain. It is your professional training. Show love and get love in response. You don’t have to agree with everything. We both agree that something is seriously wrong. We can feel it. We sense it. The Holy Spirit says it in our hearts. If you are as smart as I think you are. Look for it. I challenge you to do what God made you for. Is there micro chips, graphene, impurities, nano particles in the vax - idk. Yes for some by admission others WTFK. If you have access to the vax and equipment, give a look. If you know an open minded pathologist ask. People are dying from the disease and people are dying from the vax. Time is the unknown parameter.
I’m not taking it. It doesn’t work, has risks, hasn’t passed testing I care about …. That is my choice. You chose your choice. Good deal. Neither is wrong until we know the truth but so many are invested in lies. I may have to put my large (overpaid) salary on the line. Same with my wife.
Good luck.
You know, my friend, fair enough. I have answered all to human when being accused of being Mengele, a murderer, a quack (SW favorite stalking term). Thank you for reminding me to not me so salty. I will attempt to live my faith accordingly, sometimes it is a little hard to do amidst the unwarranted animosity.
I think we agree that your 25 yo son was done an injustice — see my dialogue with A strike. I absolutely stand with you that you alone have the best determination as to if you should be vaccinated — and I will support you in every way possible. We agree on freedom. We agree on many things.
I will try my best to not be salty, but please give forbearance when I am insulted without cause. I will try to take the high road - and you have provided an excellent reminder of what it means to be truly faithful. All the best to you and your wife.