The boy mayors of Minneapolis and ST. Paul could have left these restrictions on for as long as they wanted to. They were both just re-elected to 4 year terms.
All of a sudden, on a moment's notice, the mandates are lifted with no warning.
Gov. Walz, however, is up for re-election in November. I'm betting he put a little bit of pressure on the kids because he's not real popular right now.
On Trucking.
When are they going to prosecute blm and Anti-fa?
I just came back from there; we were on a business trip.
One day we had an afternoon free and went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art. I had proof of a negative test less than two days prior.
The guy checking vaccination status let my vaxxed coworker in and I showed him my negative test. Then he sighed and said with a distinctive lisp “you have to have the vaccination, a test is not good enough”.
Since it was comfortable outside I took a two hour walk while my coworker visited the museum.
So if you are from Minneapolis do not let the politicians gaslight you on this one. If they get re-elected then the dreaded BA.2 variant will rear its ugly head and you will be back in lockdown.
make no mistake it was due to money lost on city owned event centers and nothing more.