—> There has been an uptick of vaxxed patients ( but still less as a percentage vs unvaxxed)
Vaxxed are dying at home of stroke, etc.
If they come to the hospital, they are not labeled as a vaxx death, but a stroke, etc.
... and likely they go straight to the funeral home with no autopsy.
No uptick of stroke numbers beyond the usual numbers at our hospital. Not aware of any massive increases of death’s out side of the hospitals in this area;true any covid or covid vax related strokes or MI deaths at home occurring outside of the hospital are some I might not hear about. No increases in hospital autopsies of dead persons coming coming in, as deaths outside of hospitals often have to be treated as ME cases. We’d be hearing about those. But we were talking about hospital admissions of vaccinated people who were undergoing multiple organ failures in the ICU’s in Texas. We are not seeing multiple organ failures due to recent vaccinations as apparently your daughter was seeing in Texas.
Sorry...I menat to say another Freeper’s daughter...not yours.