Now, in addition to these millions who have ALREADY retired, let us add the Dec 08 (Wait, now it is January 5!) forced/mandated/enforced/voluntary “retirees” (er, fired) workers who left rather than puking up with Biden’s disastrous mandatory vaccine policies.
Many in my company are just saying, “Fine, you demand vaccines, I retire.”
The sort of personality who is most needed to make companies work are the same people most likely to quit rather then get the Jab
Corps are going to have almost no chance to replace them. A record number of Americans quit their jobs in Sept
The rule about the “Consent of the Governed” still apply to the USA.
Thanks RACPE. Getting all those domestic terrorist white supremacist cisgender bigots to retire is a win-win, both for the DNC attempting to coopt BLM and Antifa, and for the DNC's Chinese allies/masters.
EVERYTHING BIDUNG does backfires on him......spectacularly.