We have many younger relatives and friends in their mid 50’s/early 60’s, who will be leaving or have left their full time jobs to do part time or often working out of their home.
There is a small herd of them, who will be pulling the full time plug now or at the end of the year.
Many more will be making that move in the next few years as their last kids finish college or trade schools.
“There is a small herd of them, who will be pulling the full time plug now or at the end of the year. Many more will be making that move in the next few years as their last kids finish college or trade schools.”
That brings to mind what that ignorant fool Obama said: “There’s only so much you can eat. There’s only so big a house you can have. There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough.”
What that moron didn’t understand is that folks who work hard to increase their own income are also generally creating wealth for the country as a whole through their work effort ... remove enough productive folks from the economy because “they’ve got enough”, then they truly are no longer creating additional wealth for the country as a whole, but instead truly become little more than passive consumers.