To: millenial4freedom; GSWarrior; Steven Scharf; eyeamok; brownsfan; phoneman08; Wonder Warthog; ...
It's NOT just older workers...
Young white couples have decided with 'money for children Biden plan' that white wives can stay home and have kids too. The plan was to 'birth more minority democrats' but as usual with poorly thought out plans - this one will backfire... more white kids will be born. More grandcildren... We've been paying taxes for decades - it's time for grandkids to be born.
23 posted on
11/14/2021 8:15:59 AM PST by
(One man lying to himself is pathetic - but a culture lying to itself seeds it's own destruction.)
I’m expecting my third grandchild soon, and my wife and I plan to retire into a new career of “grandparent day care and homeschool teachers”
65 posted on
11/14/2021 11:02:54 AM PST by
(A Leftist can't enjoy life unless they are controlling, hurting, or destroying others) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson