Hmmm...seems fishy to me. I would look seriously at the husband as a suspect.
Her husband is GUILTY of murder, but she is NOT GUILTY no matter what.
Given her history, I wouldn’t.
Do you know how many people injure or kill themselves taking selfies?
Mre than you would think. And predominently women, because modern women are bat-$hit obbssesed with themselves and selfies and posting everything they do on social media.
Come to think of it, that could be the perfect murder if nobody else was around. Take a picture of somebody on the edge of a cliff and then push them off. Proceed to tell the authorities said person slipped and fell off. "Why look at the picture officer, see how close she was to the edge...then right after she just lost her balance and fell. A terrible, terrible tragedy..."
I have no idea this happened in this case but I'm sure it's an angle the police are exploring.
Hands free selfie from above?? Logistics don’t add up.
But.....she is DEFINITELY Not Guilty.