I should be clear: I said “I would never ridicule someone with dementia or incontinence of any kind.” but I am onboard with doing it here.
True or false, makes no difference to me. These people want to utterly destroy this country that has given me and hundreds of millions of others so much opportunity. I want to slather those Leftists with so much ridicule and condemnation that it eats at their ideologically power-addled brains.
Do I enjoy it? I would rather not. But I view it as another weapon in an a arsenal being used in a battle with so much at stake that, anything that can be used in that arsenal should be brought to bear.
Sadly. But there it is.
“anything that can be used in that arsenal should be brought to bear.”
Agreed. Anyway, Psaki can deny it, but what reporter would have the nerve to ask the question. A reporter could ask why the meeting with the Pope was interrupted.