Why not ban Alex Baldwin?
I am really at a lost on this one.
Here’s a couple thoughts that come to mind.
1. If this had happened to Hannity, or Gutfeld or Dana Perino etc. Ole’ Alec would be harping on this 24/7. Our side feels very bad for the victim and Alec, but the left would never let anyone forget if it happened to our side... (yeah, “our side”)
2. How did this happen? The victim wasn’t even in the scene. Not even not the set. SO DID OLE’ ALEC JUST POINT THE GUN AT HER, FOR A JOKE AND PULLED THE TRIGGER?
3. How did the second person get injured? Did the bullet go through the victim then into him? OR...or did Ole’ Alec shoot him too?
4. Why is there nada coverage on this, other than to discuss the banning of guns on sets?