So YOU are willing to KILL PEOPLE by withholding a drug that is safe and effective in treating C-19.
Off label use of drugs is between the doctor and the patient. If the patient and doctor have done even a few minutes of research, they BOTH know that ivermectin SEEMS to be very effective in preventing and even stopping C-19 infections.
This is MUCH BETTER than Fraud Fauci's plan of get tested, go home until your lips turn blue then come back to the ER when you have trouble breathing. The idiots with medical degrees blocked HCQ+Zn and now they want to prevent the masses from knowing that IVM is a home run too.
The key is EARLY TREATMENT, not waiting until you have trouble breathing.
Actually the best early treatment is called monoclonal antibodies. As I have said all along why screw around with off label and marginal treatments when you can get a directed treatment specific to the disease?
When someone honestly answers that question, it would be worth a conversation. Instead all we do is deflect.