remember Simpson?....he talked about he was the victim of spousal abuse....he, the 250 pound hulk being hurt by tiny, petite Nicole....
cops should be better trained to spot unusual behavior....
“cops should be better trained to spot unusual behavior....”
What do you suggest they could have done?
I thought the girl was determined to be the aggressor in that confrontation and when she was asked the reason for the attack she said, “I was just trying to stop him from saying “calm down””.
I think they have this on video.
“remember Simpson?....he talked about he was the victim of spousal abuse....he, the 250 pound hulk being hurt by tiny, petite Nicole....”
I know a male victim of spousal abuse. He was taught not to hit a woman and would not defend himself. He was short and smaller than his wife, but he was able to defend himself if he wanted too.
He was the biggest A-hole until he got out of that abusive marriage. Now the greatest person in the world you could meet.
There are women out there that beat men. A lot of the times the men will not admit they are victims.
I have mixed feelings on the cops, but at the end, the original officer separated them. Which is the best he could do that the time. From there she had two chances - the next morning she could have not shown up, and a week later when he left her in Salt Lake. Unfortunately she was already suffering from abuse syndrome (girlfriend’s interview) and that fatally clouded her spidey senses.