Jabs for thee but not for me
My son is an officer in the Army. Basically, he was texted that his career is over if he doesn’t get the jab. This is a message my son got from his Commander this evening. It seems my son will be removed from command and separated. The FRAGO (FRAGO 5) is out for that. Below is a text he got from his Commander this evening.
“FRAGO 5 was published. Effective immediately all soldiers must be vaccinated. Refusals will be processed for GOMOR and have separation initiated unless exemption is being processed.
CDRs, CSMs, 1SGs, or those filling nominative positions will be counseled and suspended pending final removal of position,to include those on the CSL.
There are 2 types of exemptions: medical and administrative. Administrative include religious accommodation and those in AR 40-562. The exemption process is outline in the AR. The approval authority is the TSG.
Medical exemptions start with the Soldiers PCM and can be permanent or temporary. The approval authority is the Surgeon General (TSG). Pregnant Soldiers can request a temporary exemption request.
Compo 1 must achieve 100% vaccination by 15 Dec. Compo 2 and 3 by 30 Jun.
Please see the FRAGO for the counseling and other specific processing details.”