I’m curious what you think regarding graphene oxide. It’s in almost all vaccines now.
Other uses are water filtration.
Not looking to debate or argue but seriously would like to know how and or why you think graphene oxide is dangerous.
I'd already researched Graphene oxide and graphene platelets -the former can break down to the latter, graphene platelets - some time ago and and am now going back through files, trying to find the papers I reviewed. Here are the first two I found.
Graphene platelets can lacerate blood vessel walls and produce bleeding and clotting similar that described in VAERS. I found many, many articles detailing the harm caused by graphene oxide and graphene.
At the same time graphene oxide is being found in vaccines (not listed on the ingredients insert because declared a 'trade secret'), graphene oxide and graphene are being rolled out in water filtration systems. "Why do they hate us?" /s
‘Graphene platelets can lacerate blood vessel walls “
Seems similar to the action of Diatomaceous earth on insect bodies.
Thank you for all of your work ransomnote.
Yea, a cliff notes version of the paper in English.
Thanks for all you do.
That’s some excerpt.
Thank you, ransomnote!