Interesting 270 the number or is it a majority of electors appointed?
12th amendment
“...the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed;”
If AZ decertifies (if they can even do that, and if they do, does it even matter), does the electoral count now go down to 527? then the majority is not 270 but 264. Pres. Biden goes from 306 to 295.
The math for the rest. 538-79 = 459 /2= 229.5 so 230 needed for a majority. Seems all those swing states would have to decertify.
or would those states get to recertify with electors appointed for Pres. Trump?
or is it too late to decert/re-appoint electors?
or would it get to SCOTUS? only to be declared moot?
or would SCOTUS have the cajones to declare the election null & void ?
Look at how long it’s taken to get to this point with the Arizona audit.
by the time the rest of the audits could take place, being fought tooth and nail by the RATs, and then any of this could get sorted out, the 2024 election will have come and gone...
what other options have I missed that could apply?
what assumptions am I making that are factually wrong?
Have a valued tee-off time...catch ya on the flip\flop
Excellent questions !
I was figuring threshold 270 and AZ and two others (not NV) decertifying hidenbiden and setting slates of electors for PDJT.
“Majority of electors” figured for states being added.
It would take all those 6 states decertifying and not reallocating, in order for PDJT to win.
If AZ and two of the others decertified and reallocated, then he’d win.
Not sure of SCOTUS.
But, with the implosion of hidenbiden and kammy, maybe there would be a path thru SCOTUS.
I think there is a constitutional avenue; it was discussed early on; I’d have to do some digging.
Trump earned well over 400 electoral votes, Biden 105, by some estimates.
Timing is everything.
Fraud vitiates everything.
Too bad *everything* is not Now.
Even the msm MS Media Complex is unnerved.
Not enough darkness, yet.
Where IS that 80% Floor of support, yet? (For MIL ops)
Pelosi and KaMelda are on deck. Which one gets to be Administrator Queen For A Day? Charles Grassley? 😄