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To: Ymani Cricket

Mentioned on another thread.

Gabelman is our supreme court states version of John Roberts. Especially his last term

I wouldn’t get too excited about who vos picked.

these guys are a part of the elite.

951 posted on 07/31/2021 7:41:29 AM PDT by MNlurker
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To: MNlurker
ransomnote: I’d like to give peeps a handy way to skip this monstrously long post about my current theories re Covid. It turned into a soliloquy that may  not be of interest (is anyone else tired of Covid?).

So I am going to try to put a link here that, if it works, will skip to the post beneath this one which has not yet been posted to FR. It can ‘work’ if others don’t post at the same time I do.

 If the link to skip this long speculative post doesn’t work, you’ll have to scroll ‘til you die'.  For that reason, I’ll make the link skip down two posts. Please scroll up a tad to make sure I didn’t skip you over someone else’s post. I don't want you to miss the good stuff. :D

Okay, Ready? Click this link to skip a book length post on Covid theory.

My thoughts on Covid to date:

When I post on the forum I try to provide links for my statements ahead of time, prior to 8 trolls saying that I fabricate information. However, it would be a relief to just relax at ‘home’ on the Q thread, put a log on the fire, and provide my impression of the conduct of the biowarfare to date, without documenting as I go, as much of my information hails from months ago, from articles, comments, videos which I read but did not find reason to post.

A long time ago, I posted a transcript of an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (*waves hand in the direction of prior threads*) in which he made the case that if the flu were as lethal as the CDC said it was, we’d all know someone who died from the flu. He had a practice of asking people he meets if they know anyone who has died of the flu and out of all the times he asked, only one person said, “yes.”

He essentially said (I’m not quoting, just trying to recall) that the flu is only responsible for about one thousand or so deaths annually, but the CDC combines those deaths with those from pneumonia to push the flu vaccine (e.g., you’ll die if you don’t get the vax!). I wondered why the CDC would pressure the entire nation so hard to get vaccinated for an illness which only results in 1K deaths per year. I thought back then, in my naiveté, that they wouldn’t do that historically because I thought The Storm was recent.

I recall H1N1, and the annoying, frantic calls for everyone to vaxxed or we’re all gonna die! Swine flu, SARS. Every year, dire warnings; and every year most of us survived.

Well, I wasn’t going to do it but I went and searched for a link (hard to stop myself).

CDC webpage on Flu Burden: Disease Burden of Influenza | CDC

Hmmmm….leave it to the CDC represent data in a pyramid? I know, I know, it’s a common practice. It just galls, you know?

 It’s ironic the CDC uses the term ‘flu burden’ because before I sat down to write, I was using the idea ‘burdened by flu’ as I pondered if we are being primed with graphene or another toxin (more about that later) via low dose annual flu vaccinations (and now masks, PCR) before being additionally ‘burdened’ with the normal, seasonal flu, and some of us can’t carry the additional burden and die.

Prior to Covid, the CDC could have reported such ‘burdened’ deaths as proof that, “you should have gotten your flu vaccine!”  And that year’s deaths ‘from the flu’ are rolled into next year’s push for the flu vaccine. The same is happening now. They are pointing to last year’s fake ‘Covid deaths’ as hard evidence to legitimize official demands for compliance from individuals, organizations, businesses: mandates/lockdowns/masks/vaccines are scientifically necessary. The message to all would be the same then as it is now, “You are unduly burdening America with your immoral, childlike refusal to act in a responsible, intelligent manner.”

(*thinking of a parent telling a young boy he can’t have a motorcycle because they can’t afford his resulting medical bills *)

Tightening the reins on availability of healthcare in every way possible (The Trump Administration quickly identified billions in medical fraud – how much does medical treatment REALLY cost?), pressuring increasing dependence on federal funds to deliver medicine. In return, telling Doctors, facilities, and patients, “You don’t deserve care or federal funds unless you start acting responsibly.”

If it is true that pneumonia was the flu before the flu became Covid, this pattern would be hard for the best experts to detect. Aren’t we hearing that Covid-19 symptoms are similar to or even identical to those now attributed to the flu?  How would treating physicians know to look for vaccine poisoning in a relatively normal flu year for which we’ve been trained to accept flu deaths?

sidenote: I just used the term vaccine poisoning because it fit my intention, and then realized that was what the anti-vaxers were always complaining about – bizarre toxins present in vaccines for  no conceivable purpose. Maybe those were test runs to check dose and impact of poisons.

Physicians would know they personally treat far more patients who die of pneumonia than those who die of flu. Still, they would not want their patients to endure the hardships of influenza (missed work, human suffering, complications, co- morbidities).

The CDC has likely been applying similar pressure to get every person vaccinated for the flu, pointing to tens of thousands of deaths and questioning any medical professional who is not aggressive in obtaining compliance from patients, nursing care homes, schools, workplaces etc.

Eagerness of one’s physician or insurance plan to get patients vaccinated would support the public’s view that the Flu was as dangerous as the CDC was claiming it was, without the local medical staff claiming it was lethal, which would go against their work experience.

It’s happening with Covid now; imagine it has been happening with flu all along, only without officials/MSM shrieking 24/7 about a humanity-ending-plandemic and shutting down the world. It’s familiar, isn’t it?

Covidians have turned the volume up high, past 10, when propagandizing Covid. China started with footage of a woman collapsing in the street and the MSM lashed the panic to levels many in the public would find traumatizing.

 But in the early years of vaccine poisoning, the flu hysteria bubbled along at a volume of 4 to 7; each year getting louder. Clinics/hospitals/programs etc. offered federal dollars (or funds withheld if low vaccination), the public enticed with ‘FREE’ vaccine clinics, work places hosting ‘free vaccine days’ and incentives to employees, insurance companies offering coverage.

The CDC’s use of PI and PIC:

I fell down a hall of mirrors trying to figure out what an article meant by pointing out that the CDC has charts/graphs for respiratory illnesses which are either titled PI (followed by the date range) or PIC (and a date range).

PI: Pneumonia and Influenza

PIC: Pneumonia, Influenza, Covid-19

I sat there looking at a chart that was titled with ‘PI’ in one location of the CDC, and ‘PIC’ in another location, trying to figure out what the research reporting on this disparity wanted me to understand.. All they had to do is add a C to the PI chart to report Covid deaths? Why not three lines? Don’t we want to see how Covid compares to the flu? Don’t we?

And then there was a chart labeled ‘PI’ in the CDC search results but ‘PIC’ on the linked page. The same chart.

Well, I don’t want to get side-tracked (too much) but why combine reporting other than to blur the fact that maybe pneumonia accounts for flu epidemics and both account for Covid pandemics.

 I have the impression the entire purpose of passing pneumonia deaths off as flu to force massive unnecessary vaccine programs is to instill training and acceptance of frequent vaccines in advance of the plandemic.  I think we never needed a flu vaccine, we never could (or wanted to, at the CDC level) develop one in decades of trying, and we still don’t have one for the flu or for Covid ..

As I kept repeatedly posting Dr. Yeadon’s information ad naseum regarding the difference between SARS1 (2003), SARS2 (Covid) and ‘variants’, I began to wonder about the percentage that the flu virus changed in relation to the supposed vaccines developed year to year.

I’m wondering how different these influenza type illnesses (coronaviruses) are. Dr. Mccullough and others have said we don’t need to be vaccinated for Covid because almost all of us have been exposed to Coronaviruses by now and that we have immunity as a result. If you get ‘vaccinated’ and get the flu, we’re told it was that there was more than one strain – how different are the strains. SARS1 in 2003 which was portrayed as radically lethal (*cringe*) is 22% different from SARS2 (Covid) almost 20 years later and people maintained T-cell immunity? 

*pauses to put another log on the fire*

Here, let me go post Dr. Yeadon’s excerpt AGAIN here (*sways with ‘repetition nausea’*).

Dr. Yeadon has said that those who contracted SARS1 in 2003 have been tested this year with SARS1 and are still immune.

Then those people were tested with SARS2 (Covid) and were immune to that as well. The two viruses have 22% different genomes but are otherwise the same.

“Variants” average about 1% difference from Covid, so there’s no need to fear them or be vaccinated for them.

Those who have had Covid, or other related Corona viruses (most of us have done so) are immune, despite what the CDC says. 

Sooooo….if this is true, why do we need annual flu vaccines?  Why didn’t years of other coronavirus infections and/or flu vaccinations protect us from Covid? They SAID Covid was a new, never before seen ‘novel’ virus, but it is not.

You can’t patent a bioengineered virus – it’s a violation of weapons treaties. It’s illegal to patent a naturally occurring virus.

When the CDC’s patents and related information came across in that great video, the name of which I forgot, (interview with intel specialist with a PHd, and wearing a bow tie), I assumed the CDC/Fauci and co conspirators committed a weapons violation by patenting a bioweapon. What if they broke the law by patenting a naturally occurring virus instead?

Yes, I know I’m speculating. But I’m doing so based on everything I’ve been researching for months.

In a post elsewhere, I said a combination of graphene and a weaponized virus would give them maximum flexibility to modulate the plandemic. But, a combination of graphene and a common influenza virus would grant them even more flexibility and control. If you are poisoning only your targets and releasing influenza viruses in the wild, ‘elites’ and the unintended are completely safe and your targets are not. There are no known coronavirus ‘vaccines’ in the public sphere so it’s unlikely there’s a Covid vaccine, what with the spikes and blood clots etc., protecting the filthy ‘elites. I grant you my theories have holes, like they could be taking prophylactics, but I find the theory that it’s graphene has strategic strengths. You can target a room in a hospital and not the staff, if you want to.

Those managing the plandemic have considerations to manage, containment, production, dispersal etc. A one-size fits all would likely be exposed earlier.

With vaccination poisons you can get voluntarily untraceable dispersion. You control the timing by releasing low levels of poison in vaccines and/or other vectors (prescription meds that are reported to ‘enhance covid’). No one finds the true virus if they send 1600 samples to a lab (remember that story) so no one has an isolated sample with which to create a vaccine or even treatments.

Assuming you have primed the ground with vaccine poisoning and then if you ‘need’ an outbreak, walk people through dispersing any reasonable coronavirus to which they already have immunity. That’s why the PCR can’t be specific – it can’t identify the strand of ‘Covid’ because you’d have to have the accurate genome.

If an accurate Covid genome was available to the public, and you intentionally created a fake ‘superspreader’ event, people could collect and isolate the virus from the sick. All they would find would be normal coronas etc. So you have to use fake tests.

There remains that dispute between those who say no isolated samples exist and those who say it does. I think Fauci insiders have may have access to research conducted by China or others, but all outsiders can’t have an isolated sample. I used to think Long Haul Covid may be the only ones who really got the ‘documented’ virus with the HIV strand embedded and RT etc. Could be true and would give them the research validity as good doctors labor to find treatments for Covid that ‘acts just like AIDS’. Might those doses contain a mixture of saline vials, graphene vials, and the true weaponized Covid virus? They don’t need us all to get the weaponized version, but they have to convince top physicians that the illness is real.

Whistleblower Dr. McGreavey (a.k.a.@JohnHereToHelp) says he worked on gain of function research and that the ‘vaccines’ are a more concentrated version of Covid. That may be true in long haul vials, but long haul Covid is not thought to be contagious, as far as I know. He had already been beaten and tortured for exposing a prior plot involving supreme court justices (he reported it, and it got back to the Deep State) so they wouldn’t trust him with high risk inforamation (graphene). The compartmentalized information by not telling him they were shipping a large portion of graphene, if he ever tried to expose them, he would NOT be able to talk graphene to anyone. He knows of saline and a concentrated virus.

I have to think about this more because it’s complex, but the level of complexity and odd vehemently opposed/supported statements like “there is no Covid virus” or “there are no isolated samples of Covid” may indicate that each opposing statements is partly true. Maybe there is a weaponized Covid virus, and a generic Covid virus strategically documented to have the attributes of what is actually graphene poisoning (likely one or more different vaccine/medication poisons before Covid, like the antivaxxers were complaining about, because prior outbreaks didn’t have blood clots) .

Sidenote: Does anyone remember thinking it was odd when here and there, some FDA approved drugs in use for many years were suddenly withdrawn from the market because, although they were said to treat illness, they were killing/maiming? Look, I have to type this down or I will not remember it elsewhere!

Maybe there are no isolated samples of the virus for the white hats to study, or in samples when try to cultivate from patients diagnosed with Covid. Wouldn’t long-haul Covid have been studied and isolated? Do they call it long haul because the virus ‘can’t be detected’ but the illness continues? That would mean poisoning remains or else the ‘long haul’ person would have been a discovery risk during the time they were infected. I really don’t think long haul Covid is contagious or more would have it.

Strategically, the Deep State wouldn’t want to lose control of a HIV laden Coronavirus. If I don’t keep pushing forward this post will never end. I haven’t thought through some bends and turns so I’ll no doubt revise later. But, it’s not looking good for a contagious long-haul weaponized HIV version outside of research facilities in Wuhan. I can believe weaponized viruses, even a weaponized strain of Covid exist, but the PCR ensures we can’t know who, if anyone, in the public has it…yet.

Side note: I’ve thought that young, healthy vaccine skeptics who ridicule vaccines and then abruptly die from Covid were being contaminated with stronger strains. Now I wonder about poisons. Now I wonder about President Trump’s ‘Covid’ experience. There was a vibe that it was poison, there was conjecture.

Gah: I see I jumped around and the next part is SARS2003 and I don’t want to go read ‘that (points up there) to straighten out the ‘flashbacks’ I’m writing into this beast. It looks like I went to a prior section and got carried away with a line of thinking. I know I should go back and fix it. Tough it! I need to get some sleep soon. If anyone is still awake, let’s keep going until you drop in your tracks from exhaustion or I do, whichever comes first.

I recall that the ‘dramatic’ outbreak of SARS in 2003 was shown in panic-form, similar to the  way Covid reached the world stage. No, I don’t want to go search for a link because it wouldn’t’ change the rest of my theory).

Alright, alright so I conducted a nano-sized search. Wikipedia:

The 2002–2004 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-1), infected over 8,000 people from 29 different countries and territories, and resulted in at least 774 deaths worldwide.[1]

The outbreak was first identified in FoshanGuangdongChina, in November 2002.[2] The World Health Organization (WHO) was notified of the outbreak in February 2003, and issued a global alert in March 2003. The major part of the outbreak lasted about 8 months, and the World Health Organization declared SARS contained on 5 July 2003. However, several SARS cases were reported until May 2004.[3]

You’re staring at me for the link now, aren’t you? *sigh*

2002–2004 SARS outbreak - Wikipedia

Smaller number of outbreaks/cases/fatalities. I recall reading that they tried to determine the reason why an entire apartment complex in China experienced an intense outbreak. Localized outbreak. Investigators determined the industrial-level pressurized toilets aerosolized the virus and there were no lids to cover the toilet when flushed. The apartment complex had  centralized toilets so most people contracted SARS right around the same time.

But, people didn’t drop in their tracks in the corridor from it. They left the building for work, school etc before becoming ill. Why didn’t it travel if it’s that infectious?

What if graphene (turned up loud) was dispersed in the centralized restrooms? Persons leaving could, I suppose, exhale graphene in closed quarters on subways etc., and others could sicken. (note: perhaps close contact with the ‘vaccinated’ can result in symptoms either from both of you being masked, tested with PCR, and or exhaling graphene (intimate partner).

To end spread in the 2003 Chinese apartment complex, toilet seat covers were installed (no more graphene in the public toilets), people were quarantined, and it went away.

That doesn’t seem right for high density infection. Perhaps it was a combination of graphene and the release of a genuine influenza and those already coping with graphene were then overburdened with influenza?

Remember, the CDC and others heavily patented every aspect of SARS1 so they control who can have isolated samples of it, who can test it, measure it, report on it etc. So, that specific influenza virus appearing as it did, and being documented by well-meaning physicians as well as black hats, would  scientifically link the virus engineered by Fauci/Wuhan etc. to SARS1. It doesn’t matter what SARS1 actually causes. You can’t isolate a sample, research it etc. without approval of the hundreds of patent holders. The captured medical establishment created a link that didn’t exist,

2003 SARS1 =normal flu with normal flu symptoms
Symptomatology of SARS1 =Graphene poisoning

The CDC/MSM/ world governments and other organizations learned from SARS1, and more importantly established the previously inconceivable idea that the flu could be terrifying and lethal and infect an entire building quickly and only the harshest lockdowns and vigorous quarantine efforts could stop it. Not just the public, but medical professionals would have gotten a wakeup call because in their many years of practice, they’d rarely seen deaths from the flu. This change in thinking would have to occur somehow prior to Covid and was used to try to fear people into getting a flu vaccine that they didn’t need because they were immune.

Perhaps years of flu vaccine reduced immunity as intended? But persons with immune compromise would more easily sicken/die of other illnesses. In fact, I don’t know how long this has been going on because there’s the graph I’ve posted several times that showed human health was stable with vaccines until around 1992 when human health began to decline with vaccination.

1992 was when the CDC established it’s foundation and could acknowledge receipt of ‘donations’ from Bill Gates, George Soros, and others.

1992 was when the FDA was weaponized – it stopped the practice of receiving drug/vaccine samples from pharma and testing them (3rd party testing) and began the practice of letting pharma’s like Moderna and Pfizer run their own trials unobserved and report their own findings of drug safety/efficacy to the FDA.  I think I read the NIH’s Foundation (yes, it has one too) started in the early 90s, too, and Fauci has long worked with Bill Gates (Fauci develops the drugs, Gates uses his control of WHO to force African nations to accept the drugs). Coincidence?

The annual flu vaccine push was first conducted like cheerleading before becoming more of a full contact gladiator sport. Did flu vaccines become a contact sport once Graphene was introduced because it degrades with time (assuming the person survives and anti-oxidants are available to help recovery) and they were prepping for their first plandemic?

So for the sake of discussion, let’s say that the obnoxious style of annual flu vaccine push, which we were warned of impending annual flu deaths by those who knew the actual risk was only flu illness, was when the CDC/NIH got more serious about testing their ‘products’ on unsuspecting people, and began priming us for the coming pandemic.

There is data that somehow escaped confinement showing that a military study revealed that those receiving a flu vaccine in 2017-2018 were 36% (approx.) more likely to be ‘diagnosed’ with ‘Covid.’

Excellent top-flight physicians would notice that the damage done by ‘Covid’ would be so similar to that reported post vaccination (and naturally encountering ‘burdening’ flu?) If the vaccines contain graphene which causes clotting and symptoms, how to explain why the original illness created damage the physicians can document in the  Covid illness?

Yes, I’m saying we’ve been receiving some graphene ahead of time through multiple vectors (Did you know Bill Gates is heavily invested in fast food companies? Health nut ‘saving’ the world with medicines and vaccines supporting unhealthy fast food?), that we likely had a rise in what were formerly accumulating doses with the prior year, in time for flu season. But here, I’m talking specifically about documented damage that physicians report.

Do you remember the food pyramid released in 1992? Hmm…there it is again. 1992. And..*sigh* another pyramid.

Archived: Food Guide Pyramid | USDA-FNS

Suddenly we were to stop all that nasty meat eating and start grazing. It was healthy, I tell you! HEALTHY! Many diabetics struggled with CDC guidlines which specified carbs that drove glycemic levels wild.

Hi carb lifestyle was hard on some, but not all.  It probably didn’t help that wheat was hybridized and GMO’d to be some other food-like substance. (wonder what's in the fertilizers and pesticides on wheat? Any graphene in there?)

There are those advocating Paleo, Keto etc. pushing back on the whole turn toward grains. Some remained happily grazing on grains, some went the way of the carnivore, but the official medical establishment drum beat remains carby and it justified at the UN as sustainability and moral decisions, carbon footprint. (Did you know Bill Gates is buying up massive amounts of farmland? SO if we all become vegetarians, we won’t be able to buy or sell, or what?)

About 5 years ago I became aware of information from legitimate seeming researchers and physicians saying that carbs, sugar ‘destroy’ the lining of your veins and arteries. They often dramatize this because, apparently they personally have witnessed the damage they say is caused by sugar and they find it disturbing.

 “Sugar literally eats the lining of your arteries and veins” the doctor said in his health video, opening and closing his arms like giant mandibles, jabbing this fake devouring  mouth toward the viewer. I sat there wondering why wheat is the base of the USDA food pyramid, which breaks down rapidly, but sugar is supposedly eating our blood vessels. When did sugar become a carnivorous parasite? They even say sugar in fruit is WORSE for you than sugar cane.

I grew up thinking that fruit was our friend; bread and fruit were not lethal weapons.

I think the doctors are actually seeing damage in some of their patients that they try to convey this way. They aren't looking for toxins in the environment and sugar is prevalent in the diet either in simple or complex form.

Maybe Q’s drop  about household cleaners etc could include chemicals like graphene and/or other contaminates that would be activated by the presence of sugar because it provides oxidative stress. So poisons which are active with oxidative stress would be ‘ideal’ in this reasoning.

sidenote: I don't know enough about diabetes to know how 'rapid onset' could be a reported symptom following graphene, but I've seen reports like that. The family of the deceased says, "But he never had diabetes before!". If graphene has been rising in our population alongside flu vaccines, might there be a relationship to the 'epidemic of diabetes?' 

Someone on thread said his own physician warned carbohydrates ‘feed’ Covid. I said I have had a mystery illness that responds to Glutamate and N.A.C. Those supposedly fight oxidative stress.

Yeah. I’m still trying to get to the point. I’d like to empty my mental notes out in one pile and sort through them efficiently, but, at 9 pages in MS WORD, I’m losing the plot!

So maybe someone like Dr. McCullough or Dr. Yeadon shows or describes fully fledged research he’s reviewed in which microscopic evidence of damage to the lining of blood vessels has occurred in someone diagnosed with Covid, just as others have accurately said they’ve seen evidence sugar damages blood vessels.

Maybe graphene and other chemicals quietly lay the groundwork, damage is quietly occurring in the body over time on a microscopic scale at increasing levels until body can’t handle the additional burden of influenza or other illness? If the population received higher levels of graphene (through multiple vectors) then previously, perhaps a seaonal flu could render the results we've seen?

The experts like Dr. Yeadon and Dr. McCullough will have extensive knowledge and experience with blood clots, but will never have seen them arrive as they did ‘with Covid’ (C wut I did there?).

Influenzas haven’t previously been associated with blood clots. Dr. McCullough reported the presence of blood clots with surprise. he remarked that he often prescribes anti-coagulants for seriously ill Covid patients. Those clots are thrown at us (c?) by trolls saying, “Forget vaccine blood clots! What about Covid blood clots!? Are you saying Covid clots are good but vaccine clots are not?!”

Another attempt to say what I am thinking: Might the reported deformation of blood cells, and the influx of system-wide blood clots be reasonably attributed to a virus, instead of graphene given doctors have seen these symptoms prior to the release of ‘vaccines’? They’d need the isolated Covid virus to disprove the Covid theory. Graphene isn't supposed to be injected so they wouldn't have experience recognizing the symtpoms of poisoning.

Prior low levels of graphene may have been causing blood clots, strokes etc. but without the concentration levels and fanfare of Pandemic 1.0 they were assigned indirect causality.

Once a Covid emergency was announced and doctors kept diagnosing clots 'with covid' (c?), the blood clots become a documented symptom of the virus, even though caused by graphene (causality).

Later, when vaccines were finally released and they, too, caused blood clots, experts compared the damage they witnessed in their Covid patients with with the CDC’s apparent decision to include Covid spike proteins in the ‘shots’ and conclude the spike protein must be causing the damage.  

Contrived ‘peer reviewed research’ on what may be psyop Covid (with HIV splice, spike proteins) provided the research piece that seemed to explain the ‘why’ of it, even though most of the public was suffering from graphene and an flu season chaser.

Dr. Yeadon said post vaccination, blood vessel walls become rough, like sand paper and for that reason clotting is inevitable. So is the rough texture due to graphene, a virus or a combination of these categories? The more weapons in use, the more flexibility the deep state has.

Sidenote: In conventional warfare, there isn't just one mighty weapon (Abrams tank), there is a vast array of weapons to meet every condition. Maybe there are more weapons in play that we realized.

From the start of the biowar, many of us have been wondering, “What is it?” That’s is a classic logic error I've fallen over when troubleshooting computers – assuming there is one problem when there may be a subtle assortment of them that only crash the computer when all are active at the same time.

Then, we had more information and I jumped to the next logic error, “Is it this or that?” (a virus or graphene)

I’m slowly recalling that I have learned over and over in life, it can be both, independently, in tandem, and one in in the presence of other factors (Vitamin D3) or none of the above. The blood clot issue provides a profuse smoke screen sufficient to obscure the truth from experts tracking diseases, along with many of the rest of us.

Sidenote: I’m grateful that La Quinta Columna is adding chemical research and scanning to the mix!

 Might it be a morass of false causality? The trolls make it sound like you’ll get blood clots if you get Covid, so why not get the vaccine with a ‘slight chance’ of clots so that you can prevent getting Covid. Oh and we should ignore all other adverse events, including death.

It’s ironic that, if graphene is in the mix, the association between Covid and blood clots may represent the mistaken causality the trolls began accusing us of from the beginning. The first debate with a troll I had re Covid was causality.

Part of Health Czar Bill Gates’ Investments

I also heard about other curious health minded investments like cheese and tobacco. *gasp* Wonder if very many 'covid patients' smoke. If so, when they get covid, their deaths could be attributed to diminished lung health and Covid, with no mention of graphene.

ThankQ to those who endured. Medics will be along shortly to load you into a van and take you to a recovery center. :)

PS: All of this is speculative. I have no medical training, but then neither do any of our trolls so there's that.

As I mentioned, I have been dealing with a mystery illness that responds well to glutamate or N.A.C. (I don't know if equally effective or complementory etc.)

This may be off base, everything I've written may be wrong, but I am wondering if I am still ingesting small amounts of graphene or other contaminants.  I no longer use 'China Masks'. I drink bottled water (refilable bottles) so could be in the plastic? I still use my beloved pots and pans that have a coating we're supposed to avoid based on other complaints about them, but they wouldn't be primary source because I don't use them regularly (instead, some plain stainles steel). Love my microwavable dishes. Could be in food? Whatever it is, or combination of sources, I will change things around and let you know if something changes.

Now before I jump to causality error(s), those items I list could be different chemicals causing different problems or the effect has faded and they are now harmless. *looks at keyboard* Oh, my favorite reusable water bottles - I did happen to buy them at the same time symptoms became noticable. Could be coincidence. I dunno.

Prayers up. Father in Heaven, please prepare us for any knowledge or task that lay ahead. Father, grant us supreme discernment in all things so that we make good use of our time and attention. Please protect our military, our president and all patriots from Satanic forces working to harm us. Grant us swift, crushing victory over our enemies. Thank you for your faithful leadership, love and guidance. Amen.

953 posted on 07/31/2021 7:43:27 AM PDT by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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