Oh. . .thanks for clearing that up for me. Appreciate it.
Just re-read my post, I can see I did a poor job of making the point.
I have mixed emotions about the whole EV thing. In full-disclosure, I own a BMW i3 REX and bought it because I was intrigued by the technology. Since we only drive it 6-mos out of the year and I have a diesel pickup, I wasn’t too concerned since we are both retired and our driving is limited.
It’s been an interesting experience. The car is fun to drive, relatively quiet and is more like a golf cart on steroids. Would I have purchased it as a primary vehicle when we were working...no. We live in the country and fortunately I have a Level 2 charger in my garage. Our longest trip was 245 miles and I was surprised I could pull that one off, but it’s only because of the range extender.
I would like to test-drive a Tesla or possibly the new VW but again, I don’t see EV’s as the answer for everyone. Unfortunately, government isn’t flexible and insists on a one-size fits all mentality when it really doesn’t.
If Biden wants to mandate EV’s for everyone and outlaw ICE’s the first thing he can do is trade in the Presidential limo for one that is an EV. And that goes for everyone in DC who feel the need to mandate us little people drive EV’s as they are carted around in their government-supplied Yukon’s and Escalade’s. When they show some leadership, maybe the rest of us will decide to follow.