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To: bitt; LonePalm
“”...Ministry of Defense of Japan on April 4 that six Chinese naval vessels including the Liaoning ship were found traveling south on Okinawa. ...” ***

Wow! Japan has to be just as concerned as Taiwan - and the Chinese hate Japan.

*** "The ocean is notoriously shallow along the south-eastern coast of China. I told you that the waters surrounding China are only conducive to CCP naval movements twice a year: April-ish and November-ish..." ***

Excellent information and good intel on the names and types of all the Chinese naval vessels.

Is the navy essential to China in regards to taking control of Taiwan? ...of Japan?

2,640 posted on 04/08/2021 10:41:22 AM PDT by Bob Ireland (The Democrap Party is the enemy of freedom.They use all the seductions and deceits of the Bolshevics)
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To: Bob Ireland; bitt
The Taiwan Strait is quite shallow. The depths below are in meters. This means that much of the strait is shallow enough to anchor in.

(Click for larger image.)

The prevailing current through the strait is a branch of the Kuroshio, or Japan, Current which is the western Pacific equivalent of the Gulf Stream. There is a small southward flowing current close in on the coast of mainland China. Prevailing winds are from the Northeast, especially in winter. In other words, the Taiwan Strait is a choppy mess of a place to navigate much less fight.

Add to that the fact that it is so narrow, almost all of the strait is within coastal missile range of one side or the other and much of it is within artillery range. You may as well try to fight a naval battle on Lake Erie with modern weapons. No thank you.

Given that the average PLA soldier is too short to wade and can't yet fly under their own power, then I would say yes, the PLAN is essential to the CCP attacking Taiwan or Japan.


Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)

LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)

2,657 posted on 04/08/2021 11:34:50 AM PDT by LonePalm (Commander and Chef)
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