Everyone should check this out. I am 100% sure it is our Trump! (read down...)
And petey - definitely a good massage or two will help tremendously.
I thought I heard Jason Miller say it didn’t matter if or when Twitter lifted their ban, that POTUS will never return to Twitter again.
It makes no sense. Trump is no ordinary putz who’s burned once and willing to be whip sawed based on some whim of Jack’s.
Last one... for a bit hahahahhaha
Language warning for BR
April Fools Day, 4-1-2021. I get it. 👍
President Trump Releases Statement: Boycott Baseball and All Companies Interfering with Fair and Free Elections – Are You Listening Coke and Delta?
GATEWAY PUNDIT ^ | 4/2/2021
In Vermont, under 50, you can only get your vax if you identify as a POC.
That seems fair... /s
there were 8,502 in 2019