Ever been to a grocery store or supermarket?,
Try opening the thin plastic bags to put in the carrots....
impossible without damp fingers.
Then at the checkout....paper bags work OK
But thick plastic bags not so much.
When at the produce section, those plastic bags are hard to open with dry fingers. However, most produce sections regularly mist their produce. You can always dampen your fingers in that area without having to lick your fingers.
“Try opening the thin plastic bags to put in the carrots....
They’re impossible! I usually go to the bottom of the broccoli bin and rub my fingers in that water/mist to get them wet. Or, do a heavy breath ... “HAH” ... in the end of the bag. (Can’t do it if you’re wearing a mask, which I don’t.)
I never lick my fingers for any reason. Which makes it hard to quickly flip through pages in the Bible and win Sword Drills in church.
I hope everyone does what I do when they get home, i.e., wash the produce with Dawn.