Now all they need is another tragedy to occur.
And while they may not admit it, I’m certain they’d want it to be truly horrifying so they can ramrod their regulation through.
“Now all they need is another tragedy to occur.”
They’ve been trying with queer and racist buggery run amuck in our schools. Didn’t work.
They’ve been trying with BLM and AF rioting, looting and burning. Didn’t work.
Now, they’re trying open border flooding.
***Now all they need is another tragedy to occur.***
Don’t be surprised if the Dems have not got one in the works, much as California did when they shelved their AW ban bill.
Then released Pat Purdy from a mental institution, allowed him to violate State and US laws by buying guns, passing the waiting period for handguns, then he shot up the Stockton school yard.
The shelved AW ban bill was pulled out and passed before any opposition could be mounted against it.