During the first bout of ice, I believe on Saturday some lines went down. PEC had people out and had them repaired under 4 hours. A little over 24 hours later, late Sunday night was when the rolling blackouts began. Unfortunately for me, that same Sunday afternoon I had to drive on the ice to San Antonio to tend to my business and spent the night there, so when they turned off the power at home, I wasn’t there to turn the generator on so my booster water pump and the water filters froze and busted.I would like to find out who is on the ERCOT to “thank” them.
Wow, I am so sorry. I have friends all over the place with major damage from frozen pipes.
This is due to these long term awful policies combined with STUPID decisions by ERCOT in the first hours of the storm. But we wouldn’t have been in that position in the first place if not for way overreliancde on wind power.
Many from out of state, I think the head of it lives in Michigan!