If Trump supporters are debating what the next move is because they don’t know, think how confused the left is. As has been mentioned the left is not acting like the victor nor as if they are in control.
Besides game theory one has to incorporate Sun Tzu’s Art of War when trying to determine Trump’s plan.
X22 report emphasizes an important point in “Trump’s” Plan, optics. Listen to a few of the most recent episodes for an idea. Even they say throw out all timelines because only those who need to know know.
Also the type of war we are in is cyberwarfare. Look what happened to Texas due to the snow storms, imagine if an enemy of the US could do that to large cities like NYC or LA. Shutting down the power grid or water plants. The damage and casualties could be more devastating than a so called conventional war. With our society’s dependence on satellites for communication and running our infrastructure cyber wars are the future type of warfare.
I discount anon threads. IMO they sound like a hodgepodge of ideas and come across as something the MSM or Twitter would view as being the “plan”.
I agree with your analysis.